The Birth of Something New

cropped-mother-daughter-love-sunset-519531.jpegWelcome to The Mama Love Movement!

A little over two years ago, I started my blog And Mango Makes Three. It was my outlet during a challenging pregnancy. I didn’t really care who read it – it was just a way for me to stay busy and distracted while laying on a couch with a bucket next to me, just in case. But it became something more – as friends and family (and even people I didn’t know) started interacting with me on various posts, I realized it was helping other women too. Some of them mothers, some of them hoping to be, some single and not anywhere close to that stage of their lives…some not interested in becoming mothers at all. I worked a little harder on it, tried to make my content relevant, relatable. Tried to shed some light and laughter in a far too serious, too “stressed” out world. It became my side project and brought me a lot of joy.

But about 9 months ago, the wheels in my head started turning… maybe I could do a LITTLE BIT MORE. Maybe I could use my love of writing, socializing, and helping others and combine it with my ability to research and report. Moms don’t just need a laugh. Sometimes they need to know how the hell to get their baby to latch in the early months of breastfeeding. Sometimes they need to know how to start exercising again with a child CONSTANTLY by their side. Maybe they suffered a devastating loss or have debilitating anxiety and need help moving forward. Maybe they are struggling financially and looking for tangible resources to keep their families warm and fed. There is so much more to motherhood than coffee dates with your gal pals and trips to the playground and Target. And while we joke with our friends and give each other the knowing glances and nods at the supermarket, that’s not always enough in terms of support.

So I created The Mama Love Movement. It’s still my blog, it’s just now a blog with resources for mothers, service-oriented projects, and more interactive social media platforms. I also have dreams of it becoming so much more. But I won’t get ahead of myself… After all, I’ve just birthed this new baby after 9 months of hard work. Her growth and development will take time.

Please feel free to browse the site and follow on Instagram. The Facebook link is the old blog’s page, just updated to reflect these new changes!


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